Tag: Logos

This Logo is a B1G Improvement

> So, some intrepid fans put together some sample Big Ten logos that are better than the official new B1G logo: http://blog.mycroburst.com/big-ten-logo-design/ I’ve gotta say, that one above on the left is pretty much exactly what I think is the ideal logo for the new 12-member Big Ten Conference.  (If you can’t see it, the [...]

How to Make a Good Big Ten Logo on the Cheap

Following up on my previous post, want to see three amateur logos that are all better than the new official Big Ten logo?  I like this one the best… …although it strikes me as a little too close to the Philadelphia Union soccer logo to be successful: Still, it’s obvious that better logos can be made [...]

Just Because You Spend a Lot of Money Doesn’t Mean Your Branding Will Be Any Good

I went to college at the University of Michigan.  Its football team is the winningest in college football history.  Its conference, the Big Ten, is the oldest and possibly the most prestigious in the country.  The logo is pretty damn awesome, viewed in light of the principles of negative space I discussed in the first [...]

Lawyers and Logos: Part I: Design and Branding

Lawyers might best be described as smart people who don’t know how to find a job. It’s harsh, but it’s also kind of true that many lawyers don’t make the effort to get their brand out there and make it accessible for clients. Even if your firm has a client base, how will be difficult to grow without doing advertising and marketing, and all that it entails, including creating a brand identity. Today, we’ll be discussing brands and logos. What makes them good? What makes them bad? And how can you use them to subtly convey your firm’s defining characteristics and implant those characteristics into clients’ minds?